Cashback for Communities helps young filmmakers

Scotland’s Culture Secretary was in Glasgow yesterday to see how cash confiscated from crooks is supporting young people to develop their creative skills.

Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, visited the Glasgow Media Access Centre (GMAC), where young people from targeted areas of the city are benefiting from Mad About Movies – a programme of free activities designed to boost their knowledge and understanding of filmmaking.

The centre has been awarded £39,205 in Cashback for Communities funding through Creative Scotland.

The funding is supporting GMAC’s Mad About Movies programme which includes regular movie clubs and a filmmaking summer school.  A training programme, also delivered through the project, will give teachers and youth workers the knowledge and skills to set up film projects for young people in their own communities.

Ms Hyslop went to an acting workshop at GMAC today, where Scottish actor Atta Yaqub, star of ‘Ae fond kiss’, was talking to the young people involved in the Mad About Movies project about his own skills and experience.

She said:

“Through Cashback for Communities, the Scottish Government has reinvested more than £46 million recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act, back into communities to benefit Scotland’s young people.

“In particular, the creative strand of Cashback is helping thousands of young Scots to access life-changing opportunities to boost their skills, improve their employability and reach their full potential through engagement with creativity and the arts.

“Today I was proud to meet some of the young people whose lives are being impacted by this important work.  The Mad About Movies project is an excellent example of how Cashback funding is making a real difference to their enthusiasm, confidence, outlook and skill base.”

Iain Munro, Director of Creative Development at Creative Scotland, said:

“During the Year of Creative Scotland 2012, the creative strand of the CashBack programme will allow over 8,000 young people across the country to create a film, choreograph or perform in a dance production or record their own piece of music.

“Taking part in creative activities can make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people.  It provides an opportunity for young people to shine and express themselves and learn how work as part of a group.  We look forward to the continued success of this life-changing programme for years to come.”

Beth Armstrong from GMAC, said:  “GMAC has a proud 30 year history of championing diversity and equality within the Scottish film industry.  We are delighted to be part of Cashback for Communities  which allows us to offer this amazing  programme of free film activities  for young  people from all over Glasgow.  If you’re 10 – 19 and Mad About Movies then get in touch and get involved”!

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