12 candidates for Shettleston by-election

Twelve candidates will contest the by-election in the Shettleston ward of Glasgow City Council on 5 December 2013.

Nominations have now closed and the list of candidates is as follows:

Charles Baillie, Britannica

Tommy Ball, Scottish Socialist Party – People Not Profit

Jamie Cocozza, Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Laura Doherty, Scottish National Party (SNP)

Alasdair Duke, Scottish Green Party

John Flanagan, No Bedroom Tax – No Welfare Cuts

Raymond McCrae, Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Victor Murphy, Scottish Christian Party ‘Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship’

Martin Neill, Scottish Labour Party

James Speirs, Scottish Liberal Democrats

Arthur Misty Thackeray, UKIP

James Trolland, Scottish Democratic Alliance

It is being held following the death of Councillor George Ryan.

The by-election will be run on the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system.

The venue for the count is Wellshot Hall, 350 Wellshot Road, Glasgow G32 7QR.

Electors wishing to vote by post have until 5pm on 19 November 2013, to apply, and anyone who cannot vote in person has until 5pm on 26 November 2013, to apply for a proxy vote.

Application forms are available from the Electoral Registration Officer on 0141 287 4444 or here: Elections and Voting

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