Scottish Waterways Trust launch their app


Scottish Waterways Trust have an app.

They encourage you to download it to find out the story of the canals and waterways across Glasgow and they also need to know your stories..

Unlocking The Story, a project to uncover, explore and celebrate the social and industrial history of Glasgow canals. These have have played such a defining role for the communities of North Glasgow from their industrial heyday through to the current renaissance led through the Glasgow Canal Regeneration Project.

This interpretation project is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Glasgow City Council and Glasgow City Heritage Trust, with the involvement of the Scottish Waterways Trust, Scottish Canals, Glasgow City Council, Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust, Lambhill Stables, Glasgow Sculpture Studios and the National Theatre of Scotland, with a team of volunteers old and young.

Download our free smartphone app to explore the canal towpaths – either in person or from the comfort of your own home! See where you are on our fantastic illustrated map – or travel back in time with archive photos, audio clips, and videos.

The App is available for both iPhone and iPad, plus Android devices. 

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