Tablet maker helping the honey bees


A Giffnock tablet producer has introduced honey bees in hives situated at its factory in a bid rot do its bit for the decline world population. The company Aldomak has worked with Motherwell-based bee experts Plan Bee in its latest ethical initiative.

The company which produces Scottish tablet, fudge and toffee has ethical production as its main ethos sourcing locally and with new plans for producing its own gas with anaerobic digestion and electricity with turbines and solar panels. The company is already buying green electricity from National Grid.

Dario Riccomini, managing director of Aldomak, said: “Bees are responsible for pollinating around 70 per cent of UK crops and initially we have around 80,000 bees and we are hoping that the colonies might grow to some 400,000, depending on the weather.

“Our company is already successful, but this initiative is not about profit. We take very seriously the concept of corporate social responsibility and we want to take practical steps in that direction.”

Although honey will not be used in the factory owing to strict regulations, the honey products which result will be sold through Plan Bee.


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