Tag Archives: Alex Salmond

First Minister starts tour in Glasgow




The SNP has today announced the line-up for First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s biggest tour event yet.

The First Minister will tomorrow address a crowd at the 12,000 capacity SSE Hydro in Glasgow. Tickets for the event were booked out in record time when they were released last month.

Ahead of the First Minister’s address, there will be performances from samba band Bloco Yes, traditional Scottish band Trybe, Lou Hickey and friends, Scottish hip-hop act Stanley Odd, Eddi Reader, Red Hot Chilli Pipers, Edinburgh indie band Blank Canvas and Dougie MacLean.

The SNP’s new Depute Leader Stewart Hosie MP and former First Minister Alex Salmond will also address the crowd.

Ahead of the event, Stewart Hosie said:

“This has been a week to remember for the SNP and for Scotland, as Nicola Sturgeon became Scotland’s first ever female First Minister and announced a gender balanced Cabinet.

“The SNP has become the national party of Scotland in all senses – leading in the polls as distrust in the Westminster establishment parties has grown and support for the divided Labour party plummets.

“Over the last month, Nicola Sturgeon has been touring the country speaking to new members of the SNP and people who are not yet supporters about our shared hopes for Scotland. Thousands of people have been coming along to booked-out venues from Inverness to Dumfries to hear Nicola and take part in extensive question and answer sessions. And that engagement is set to continue, with Nicola’s pledge to be the most accessible First Minister ever, continuing to hold regular events throughout the country and Facebook Q&As.

“Tomorrow’s event at the Hydro will be the biggest yet. We are delighted that excellent acts including Lou Hickey, Eddi Reader, the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and Dougie MacLean will be joining us to entertain the crowds.

“The referendum reinvigorated Scottish political debate – the fact that so many people are so politically engaged and preparing to come along to hear our new First Minister speak on a Saturday afternoon is further evidence that Scotland is changed as a nation for the better and forever.”

First Minister opens the 2014 Ryder Cup

Opening the 2014 Ryder Cup at Gleneagles with a crowd of spectators of around 20,000 the First Minister Alex Salmond said:

“This is only the second time that the Ryder Cup has come to Scotland, the Home of Golf.

“But in a very real sense the Ryder Cup is coming home to Gleneagles.

“For it was here in 1921 that the very first intercontinental challenge match was played which became the forerunner for tournament we have today.

“In 1921 there were two native born Scots in the British team. There were four native born Scots in the American team – allowing Scotland to claim victory regardless of the outcome!

“In 1921 the tournament was played for a prize fund of 1000 guineas.

“Four score and thirteen years later, 24 of the finest players in the world will play for no monetary reward whatsoever.

“They will play instead for love of country, continent and respect for the game of golf.

“That ladies and gentlemen is what makes the Ryder Cup special – the greatest golf tournament in the world.

“It is therefore right and proper that over these next three days these great players will compete over a course designed by Jack Nicklaus, the greatest golfer in history.

“But as he would be first to acknowledge while Mr Nicklaus designed the course, it was God who designed Gleneagles.

“So, in this special place at this special time let me say this.

“On behalf of the Government, our outstanding partners in the European tour led by George O Grady and the people of Scotland.

“To both captains and to both teams, welcome to Gleneagles. Welcome to Scotland”.