MSP John Mason, backed by the Scottish Government, has assured those made redundant by the closure of Freshlink in Glasgow will receive “a tailored package of skills development”.
The closure of the factory, which was announced last week, will lead to 145 employees losing their jobs. Mr Mason has confirmed that the promises of support to the employees will be met. A PACE team has been created by the government in order to do this.
Enterprise Minister Fergus Ewing is set to visit the factory on Friday to discuss the specifically tailored package of support that will be provided to employees.
Staff at Freshlink have complained about uncertainty over finish dates, hindering their ability to look for new work without compromising their redundancy pay.
Mr Mason, who had campaigned to keep the factory open and has expressed disappointment over the closure announcement, is helping to focus on providing the best support for Freshlink employees.
He said: “I welcome the fact that the Scottish Government has confirmed that a PACE team is drawing up a tailored package of skills development for workers and that it will continue to offer every support possible.
“The information on when the factory will close that has been given to workers by the company so far has been totally inadequate, so the assurance that the Enterprise Minister will press for more answers is a positive one.
“It is an extremely difficult situation when anyone loses their job, but that is made so much worse when workers are facing unnecessary uncertainty over when they personally will finish working there. After the way they have been treated, the workers at Freshlink deserve far, far better.”