Tag Archives: Scottish Independence Referendum

National Collective supporting independence



National Collective was founded by a small group of artists and writers based in Edinburgh in 2011. Since then it has grown significantly across Scotland. It is the non-party movement for artists and creatives who support Scottish independence.

The organisation was founded with the aims of arguing the positive case for Scottish independence and imagining a better Scotland.

This is what they say:-“We support independence because of the opportunity that comes with the ultimate creative act – creating a new nation. And we believe that to get there, we need to inspire and engage the people of Scotland in a way that has never been seen before.

“We have local groups growing in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Stirling, Inverness and Aberdeen.

“National Collective believes that the power of art and culture to inspire, the power of new technology and social media to transform communication, and the power of local activity to engage citizens, can change the debate for the better.

Our branches in Glasgow and Edinburgh hosted successful launch events and our groups in Aberdeen, Dundee and Stirling have cultural events planned in the new year.”

With this approach, National Collective aims to provide an open, fun and safe route to engage with politics. The organisation is also supported by some of Scotland’s top artists including Liz Lochhead, Alasdair Gray, Elaine C. Smith and Karine Polwart.

You can find out more on their website.