Tag Archives: The Skinny

The Skinny on best places to eat and drink in Glasgow


‘Edinburgh and Glasgow’s best food venues’ named by readers of The Skinny

The winners in The Skinny magazine’s annual readers’ food and drink survey of venues in Glasgow and Edinburgh have been announced, following a major public vote by the magazine’s readers.

The survey is a celebration of all aspects of the thriving food and drink scene in Scotland, with readers naming their favourite bars, beers, cafes, restaurants and shops across eight categories.

This year’s survey – the fourth since its inception in 2011 – saw thousands of votes cast online for venues large and small across central Scotland, with the readers of The Skinny‘s Northwest edition also polled on their favourite food haunts in Manchester and Liverpool.

The results of the 2015 food and drink survey can be found in an eight-page special in the January issue of The Skinny, which is out now, as well as online at theskinny.co.uk/food. The full list of winners can also be found at the end of this release.

The Skinny is Scotland and the Northwest of England’s leading culture and listings magazine, with an ABC certified distribution of 56,770 free copies of its two editions going out to venues across Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool every month.